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Growers Wanted to Represent Alberta Canola

Alberta Canola is seeking canola growers to be directors on the Board of the Alberta Canola Producers Commission. Nominations for Regions 3, 6, 9, and 12 are open until 4 pm on October 31, 2024. Visit to find your region.

Role of Alberta Canola Directors

Alberta Canola is led by 12 grower directors from 12 regions across Alberta. Alberta Canola directors represent growers in their region and work together to drive the industry forward.

The Board of Directors meets quarterly and are guided in their decision-making by five committees:

  • Research
  • Government and Industry Affairs
  • Grower Engagement and Extension
  • Public Engagement and Promotion
  • Governance and Finance

Who Can Become a Director?

Anyone who has paid a service charge on canola to Alberta Canola since August 1, 2022, is an eligible producer and can stand as a director. (A $1/tonne service charge is paid when canola is sold and delivered to a licensed grain dealer.) Eligible producers can be individuals or represent a corporation, partnership, or organization. To be nominated, eligible producers must grow canola within the defined region but do not have to reside within it. An eligible producer can nominate themself.

Nomination Deadline:

Nomination forms can be emailed to, faxed to 780-451-6933, physically delivered or mailed to the Commission office on or before Thursday, October 31, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. Nomination forms must be received by end of business day on the last day of the nomination period, not post marked on the last day. New directors begin their 3-year term following the 2025 Annual General Meeting in January. Directors are eligible to serve three consecutive 3-year terms.

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