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Heifer Management Blueprints: Heifers And Feed Bunk Management

One simple way to improve feed efficiency in heifers is to employ good bunk management.  Feeding heifers to exact levels of intake and using the heifers’ inherent nature to sort feed as a guide to manage bunks has been demonstrated to improve feed efficiency.  Praying proper attention to eating behavior and managing the feed bunk accordingly can increase feed efficiency and decrease feed cost.

In the Dairy eXtension article Heifer Management Blueprints:  Heifers and Feed Bunk Management, retired UW-Extension Dairy Management Specialist Pat Hoffman shares how good bunk design, feed sorting and feed adjustments are often overlooked in heifer management programs and how we can overcome these bottlenecks to increase feed efficiency 10 to 15 percent.

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John Van Engelen: Efficient Swine Farming | Ep. 52

Video: John Van Engelen: Efficient Swine Farming | Ep. 52

In this insightful episode of The Swine It Podcast Show Canada, John Van Engelen, from Hog-Tied Farms in Ontario, joins us again to explore the world of sustainability and efficiency within swine production. John shares his unique perspective on integrating operations to enhance efficiency, from feed production to energy generation, and emphasizes the importance of air quality in maintaining animal and worker health. His innovative approach to biosecurity, disease management, and the use of technology for precision feeding showcases a forward-thinking model for the industry. Tune in to uncover the future of sustainable and efficient swine farming on major podcast platforms.