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KAP Holds Summer Advisory Council Meeting

Keystone Agricultural Producers (KAP) held its summer advisory council meeting Tuesday in Portage la Prairie.
Approximately 60 farmers, producers, and commodity group representatives heard presentations from MPI and Manitoba Infrastructure on mandatory training for Class 1 drivers. Also, Scott Day from Fall Line Capital talked about new technological advances in agriculture, and Ducks Unlimited gave a presentation on some of the work they're doing on agricultural land.
KAP President Bill Campbell said the farm lobby group also decided on a fee structure change that would need to be approved by the Manitoba Farm Products Marketing Council.
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Soybean Leafminer

Video: Soybean Leafminer

Just as fields were drying down and harvest was nearing, the first case of a soybean field infested with soybean tentiform Leafminer was confirmed in Nebraska in late September. While there isn't too much cause for concern at this point, it's a good idea for producers to familiarize themselves with this new arrival.