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KAP Welcomes Funding Review

The province is currently reviewing the funding system for Keystone Agricultural Producers (KAP).
The current system sees about 50 per cent of members pre-pay their $200 membership, while the other half pay through a check-off system when delivering grain.
KAP General Manager James Battershill says this can result in many producers overpaying and then having to wait for a refund.
"The system the way it's set up now is very problematic and there's a lot of red tape involved and administrative cost," he explained. "We know that it's frustrating for us but also for farmers and for the purchasers who collect the current KAP check-off. We're looking forward to working with the province on finding a way to streamline the system and improve it so that it's less frustrating and it reduces the red tape."
Source : Portageonline

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Case IH's BRAND NEW Active Implement Guidance

Video: Case IH's BRAND NEW Active Implement Guidance

Guidance on your tractors? Of course.
Guidance on your implements? Could be a game-changer for accuracy.

Case IH recently announced its new plug-and-play Active Implement Guidance technology which significantly reduces implement drift.

The system shares guidance line data with the tractor to ensure that planting, strip-tilling, side-dressing, and more are executed with precision.

Kendal Quandahl with Case IH gives you a full rundown in this video!