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Manitoba Seed Retailer Says Farmers Sticking With Canola, For Now

With seeding still a few weeks away, farmers are busy making final plans for their 2019 rotation.

Simon Ellis is the owner of Ellis Seeds at Wawanesa, MB.

He was asked if farmers were considering dropping canola acres as a result of the situation with China.

"We haven't seen anyone switch away from canola acres yet. There's certainly been some questions as to what other options there are out there, but nobody's actually pulled the trigger yet," commented Ellis. "I think the prices right now are actually pretty much where they typically are this time of year, if you look at historical values. I think there's some optimism that the trade disputes or the challenges going forward will get resolved. The companies that aren't having trouble, are still moving canola into China."

Ellis says rotation will also play a factor for farmers considering the switch from canola to another crop. He notes soybeans would be a good replacement option, as would flax or oats which are seeing some good prices right now.

He adds farmers should talk to their local retailer if they are considering returning canola seed that's already been purchased.

Source : Steinbachonline

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