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McCain Foods 2022 Sustainability Report Spotlights Key Progress & Opportunity for Sustainable, Regenerative Food Production

TORONTO, -  McCain Foods Limited (McCain) released its Sustainability Report, underpinning its commitment to producing delicious, planet-friendly food.

McCain Foods 2022 Sustainability Report Spotlights Key Progress & Opportunity for Sustainable, Regenerative Food Production. (CNW Group/McCain Foods)
McCain Foods 2022 Sustainability Report Spotlights Key Progress & Opportunity for Sustainable, Regenerative Food Production. (CNW Group/McCain Foods)
The report includes the organizations sustainability results from the past Fiscal Year, demonstrating how McCain is responding to the challenges faced by climate change, its priority on enhancing soil health and farming partners' transition to more regenerative practices. Key strategic investments have also enabled the growth of plant-forward product innovations.  This year, the report is reinforced by a strengthened approach aligning to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standard.

McCain's continued focus on innovation in agriculture reinforces the company's role as a global leader in food production. Working with its farmer partners, McCain has accelerated its regenerative agriculture ambition by providing technical assistance and financing opportunities that can help tackle the escalating impacts of climate change on yields and crop quality and notably, launched its second Farm of the Future in South Africa. McCain has also achieved its water-efficiency target, three years ahead of schedule, made marked improvements in CO₂ emissions reductions and enhanced its usage of renewable electricity. The business has also made significant contributions to support the communities where it functions through donations and volunteering.

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