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Michigan October Crop Production

Michigan producers are expecting to harvest a new record state wide yield for corn this year, according Marlo Johnson, Director of the USDA, NASS, Great Lakes Regional Office. The October Crop Report is based upon conditions as of October 1, 2015. Some hig hlights of the report are as follows:

  • Michigan corn yield is up 6 bushels from last year to 167 bushels per acre, a state record yield. Total production is expected to be 342 million bushels.
  • Michigan Soybean yield is forecast at 46.0 bushels per acre, eq ualling the previous state record. The yield is up 3.5 bushels from 2014, and production is up to 93.8 million bushels.
  • Sugarbeet growers anticipate a yield of 31.5 tons per acre, up 2.2 tons from last year. Production is forecast at 4.76 millio n tons. 
  • Dry bean growers are expecting their crop to yield 1,900 pounds per acre, a 40,000 pound decrease from last year. Production is expected to increase, though, due to more acres harvested this year.
  • Michigan’s alfalfa hay yield is forecast at 3.40 tons per acre , up 0.50 tons from last year. 
  • Michigan’s other hay yield is forecast at 2.00 tons per acre, down 0.10 tons from last year.

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