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NFU focuses on the Future

The National Farmer's Union is holding its Annual Convention in Ottawa.

This year's theme is " The Future of Farming: In Our Hands."

Organizers say the 54th annual convention will cover a lot of ground on how to organize effectively and counter entrenched powers in order to build the future farmers and other Canadians want and need.

Some of the panel discussions focus on Confronting Power, Organizing for Change, Creating the Future we Want - Land, Seed, Labour 

Delegates will also vote on resolutions and the executive for 2024.

The convention is set to wrap up on Saturday.

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Video: Breakfast on the Farm- June 22

Join Farm & Food Care Ontario for an exciting Breakfast on the Farm experience! Learn about agriculture and see the incredible variety of food produced right here in Ontario. Meet the Ruiter family and tour their modern dairy farm in Ottawa on June 22nd. Don't miss this engaging and enlightening experience for all!