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Perth County sheep farmer loses leg in auger accident

MONKTON — A 34-year-old Perth County sheep farmer suffered life-altering injuries in what a family member said was an auger accident. One leg was lost in the accident and the farmer’s other leg was broken.

Lucas Stock was caught in a sweep auger, which are most commonly used at the base of a grain bin to clean and maintain it. Emergency crews responded just after 11:30 a.m. on Nov. 6 to the rural address near Line 49, south of Monkton. Stock was flown by air ambulance to a trauma centre.

“He’s in tough shape,” John Kolkman, uncle to the injured man’s wife, told Farmers Forum on Nov. 28. “His one leg is off and they are trying to save the other. The other leg is broken with the artery cut.”

Local Christian Farmers Federation of Ontario director Tom Diemand said that he understood that the accident involved the use of a sweep auger. “The power was supposed to have been off but … activated. Clothing gets caught in those augers very badly, fast.”

Stock works with his father-in-law and brother-in-law on the farm, Diemand said. “I was led to believe that his spirits are good and was optimistic towards the future and thankful to be alive.”

Diemand said that his Stratford-area parish would be reaching out to the family. “Sometimes our prayers are the strongest thing we can start out with.”

Source : Farmersforum

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