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Proud To Bee A 4-H’er Meets And Exceeds ‘150 in 150’ challenge

The fourth edition of the 4-H Canada Proud to Bee a 4-H’er initiative has been an overwhelming success. This year saw the initiative surpass the 100,000 mark in terms of the number of pollinator-friendly seed packets distributed, since 2014, to 4-H clubs in communities across Canada.
With Canada celebrating its 150th birthday, this year’s Proud to Bee a 4-H’er efforts provided additional incentive for success. With a target of participation by 150 4-H clubs in recognition of  Canada’s 150th birthday, 4-H Canada and Syngenta Canada were thrilled to have 194 4-H clubs across the country sign up to participate in the 2017 edition of the program, representing a 60 per cent increase from 2016.
“We were excited to see such an incredible response within the 4-H movement here in Canada for year four of the Proud to Bee a 4-H’er campaign,” said 4-H Canada CEO Shannon Benner. “Thanks to our strong partnership with Syngenta Canada, we have been able to support young 4-H’ers as they take an active role in learning more about pollinators and their role in sustainable agriculture and food security here in Canada.”
In addition to the distribution of pollinator-friendly seed packets through  Proud to Bee a 4-H’er , 4-H Canada is also distributing more than 30,000 additional seed packets across Canada as part of a new 4-H club start-up kit campaign, an important element of their Canada 150 Signature Project. The Signature Project represents a great opportunity to share with urban and new Canadians the type of programming available through 4-H in Canada, and engage them in conversations relevant to our Canadian agriculture sector.
“The participation in the Proud to Bee a 4-H’er initiative is very encouraging and exciting,” says Dr. Paul Hoekstra, Senior Stewardship and Policy Manager with Syngenta Canada. “Education and habitat creation are two important contributors to healthy pollinator populations, so it’s terrific to see such tremendous involvement in the program this year.” 
Source : 4-H Canada

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