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Researchers Target Improved Nutrient Management Through Two-Cell Manure Storage Lagoons

By Bruce Cochrane

Knowledge gained through research planned by the Manitoba Livestock Manure Management Initiative will help producers, manure applicators and nutrient planners better target the nutrients contained in hog manure to the areas and crops that need them.

The MLMMI is accepting proposals until May 10 for projects in the area of beneficial management practices that will optimize the removal, transportation and land application of nutrients, particularly phosphorus, from two-cell earthen manure storage lagoons on grow-finish operations.

Executive director John Carney notes the MLMMI has been involved in a series of projects seeking effective, affordable solutions to help producers comply with nutrient management regulations and has looked at everything from mechanical separation to different transportation options.

John Carney-Manitoba Livestock Manure Management Initiative:
This call is really trying to learn what beneficial management practices could producers on Manitoba farms that have two-cell manure storages utilize.

The two-cell system has a primary cell where many of the solids in the manure settle out and a secondary cell which has a lighter, higher water content manure in it.

What this does is that the settled solids tend to have more of the phosphorus where as the lighter liquid manure has more of the nitrogen.

This gives the producer access to manure with two different nutrient profiles so the objective of this project is to help producers better understand how can they optimize their nutrient channeling through two cell storages on their farms.

Carney says the call for proposals is looking for industry participants that have experience in working with manure application from two-cell storages and the project will re-examine on farm management practices for those farms that have two-cell lagoons.

He hopes tosee the project complete this year.

Source: Farmscape

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Secure Pork Supply Plan | Preparing for the Future | U.S. Pork Producers

Video: Secure Pork Supply Plan | Preparing for the Future | U.S. Pork Producers

Join Jill Brokaw, a third-generation pig farmer and staff member of the National Pork Board, as she dives into the vital role of the Secure Pork Supply (SPS) Plan in preparing the U.S. pork industry for potential foreign animal disease outbreaks. This video is an essential watch for pork producers who are looking to safeguard their operations against the threats of diseases like foot and mouth disease, classical swine fever, and African swine fever.

Why Should Pork Producers Care? An outbreak of foreign animal diseases in the U.S. could lead to severe restrictions and potentially result in industry-wide financial losses estimated between $15 to $100 billion. The SPS Plan is a collective effort to prevent such catastrophic outcomes by enhancing biosecurity, ensuring animal traceability, and promoting effective disease monitoring.

What You'll Learn:

The Importance of Preparedness: Understand why being proactive is crucial for maintaining business continuity during an outbreak. Enhanced Biosecurity Measures: Write a site-specific biosecurity plan that can serve as the first line of defense against potential outbreaks. Animal Disease Traceability: Learn about the significance of tracking animal movement and how acquiring a premises identification number (PIN) and using AgView can facilitate this process. Disease Monitoring: Find out how continuous observation and reporting can keep your herd healthy and disease-free.

Getting Started with SPS: The video breaks down the seemingly daunting task of preparing for a foreign animal disease outbreak into manageable steps. With free resources available at, including templates and instructions, Jill guides producers on developing a customized plan to enhance their farm's defenses.

Expert Insights: Hear from Dr. Pam Zaabel on collaborating with your herd veterinarian to develop and implement your SPS plan effectively.

Takeaway: The Secure Pork Supply initiative is more than a plan; it's a commitment to the resilience of our food supply and the livelihoods within the pork industry. By embracing these proactive measures, we can collectively enhance our preparedness for foreign animal disease outbreaks.