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SaskCanola Producers Meeting

SaskCanola has been working to engage producers on relevant issues which impact their farm business and we would like to invite you to join us and provide your feedback.
When: Wednesday, February 8, 2017
Where: Travelodge Hotel, Saskatoon SK
8:30AM       Coffee & Light Breakfast
9:00AM       Introductions
9:15AM       History of Carbon Sequestration - John Bennett
10:00AM     Keeping Farmers Competitive with Climate Change Policy - Group Discussion
11:30AM     Lunch
12:30PM     Canadian Grain Commission Canola Grading Standards - Joey Vanneste
1:30PM       Farmer Feedback to Date - Tracy Broughton
1:45PM       Taking Action on Behalf of Farmers - Group Discussion
2:30PM       Adjourn
Grain Grading and Dockage
There has been some concern raised with the fairness of the grading process in the country elevator and questions around how dockage is assessed and price determined. The intention is to have someone from the CGC Saskatoon office come and review the grading process and ensure farmers have a good understanding of what the process is and what kinds of questions they should be asking if they have concerns, followed by a discussion about what is happening when people deliver grain and how it can be improved.
Climate Change Policy and Sustainability
The federal government’s announcement of a comprehensive policy on climate change is based on 4 pillars, one of which is carbon pricing through a tax or cap and trade policy. This would add costs to producers already tight margins, both directly and indirectly, raising legitimate concerns with the agriculture community. We will use this as an opportunity to explore how producers are contributing to good environmental stewardship and part of the climate change solution and how we can participate in the conversation to ensure that this stewardship is recognized and producers are not disadvantaged competitively. The session will also review the basics of sustainability, starting with the universal definition of sustainability (environmental, economic, and social) and then we will cover some initiatives which have been undertaken to help the industry prepare itself for any demands coming from the end user and consumer with regards to sustainable production. The remainder of the session will be focused on feedback from the audience on what is capable and how we can move forward to meet these perceived demands. Specifically, what is the role of the different groups along the value chain with regards to communicating stewardship practises and what is the role of government.
Source : Saskcanola

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