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Soybean Growers Monitoring Frost Damage Heading Into Harvest

The province's soybean harvest is expected to get underway shortly.
Dennis Lange is pulse specialist with Manitoba Agriculture.
"I can see soybean harvest starting towards the end of this week and early next week. I've seen one field here on my drive in that the grower had tried pulling in there and taking a bit of a sample off but obviously it was a little too green yet. I would guess we would probably be going in towards the end of the week, early next week. The majority of the harvest probably won't get going for another 10 days to two weeks yet."
Lange says frost earlier in the week will have an impact on some soybean fields in Western Manitoba.
"The top leaves will definitely crisp up. We're going to see the maturity hasten. With that being said, we'll see a little bit of yield loss, maybe 10 per cent in some of those fields because they were far enough along but we might see some green seed issues as well. We don't know for sure, we'll see how things dry down but there's enough leaf canopy in there that should protect a lot of the plant and they should dry down normally."
Manitoba's dry bean harvest is underway, while field peas are nearly wrapped up.
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