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Sunflower Maturity Varies Across The Province

As we head into the final week of August, there is still a lot of variance in the sunflower crop across Manitoba.

Ben Friesen, commodity purchasing manager for Legumex Walker, says some of the fields are just getting into the R5.1 stage.

"Some of them are definitely a bit behind," he said. "The plants that are in the early flower stage, they will still need a full month before they're physiologically mature. So we are definitely hoping to get through the better part of September without any damaging frost."

Friesen notes insect pressure has been large this year with the emergence of lygus bugs and banded sunflower moths.

"Both of these insects can do a lot of damage especially on confection sunflowers where they affect the grade as soon as we get holes in them or different kinds of markings on them," he said. "At this time most of the growers have sprayed at least once with an appropriate insecticide and some of them even two times."

Rust on the lower leaves of plants has also been reported in some areas of the province.

"Parts of Manitoba, especially here in south central, we've been very dry and hopefully this will keep all the disease pressures down," said Friesen. "Although we could sure use an inch of rain not only for sunflowers but for all our other crops too."

Source: SteinbachOnline

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