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The Basics Of Fall Gardening

By Steve Ward
Since school has started for most of us in the area, the gardener in us should go back to basics this fall.
Let’s look at the ABC’s of fall gardening.
The Basics of Fall Gardening
A is for Assessing and Analyzing
  • What worked well this year? Was there a type of plant or vegetable that grew well, were there disappointments? We had a hot year, some things survived the heat and some haven’t. Weather always plays a role in the home landscape and we can’t control it. But, we can make assessments based on plant vigor.
  • Making notes of the strengths and weakness of your gardening efforts and then reviewing them in the spring will help make your garden successful and enjoyable. Consider making a photo record too, digital pictures are easy to take and transfer to your computer, along with notes, and resources.
  • Have you had a soil test recently? Whether you are planting perennials, annuals, bulbs, or lawns, the nutrients are depleted over time. Fall is the perfect time to have the soil tested and amended so it will produce the best results for you next growing season. Plus, lawns slow down and go dormant in the heat of summer. In the fall, they have a growth spurt. Amending the soil based on your soil test results, will encourage the turf to build strong roots to survive winter. Soil test Kits are available at Penn State Extension county offices.
B is for Bulbs and Birds
  • “Bulb” is an inclusive term describing a variety of fleshy underground structures that include true bulbs like tulips, corms such as crocus, and rhizomes like the bearded iris. Spring flowering bulbs need full sun, well drained soil, but only minimal care. These bulbs, once they start to emerge from the ground, serve as reminders that better and nicer days are ahead. Years of selection and breeding have provided spectacular color and disease resistant varieties. October is the best time to plant bulbs including the edible bulb, garlic, so start now to prepare your soil and find good quality garlic.
  • Think of the birds. There are approximately thirty-five species of birds that can be seen in your yard in the winter time. Think about a family project of attracting birds and caring for them during the harsh months of the year. With the right feed and feeders, birds will provide entertainment, action and color. Bird watching, identifying, and journaling are good ways to pass the dreary days of winter. So take some time in the fall to select a good feeder, and provide shelter and water for them.
C is for Cleaning and Composting
  • As the growing season slows down, less time is required to maintain the home landscape. Now is a good time to clean up while the weather is cool. Take some time to edge around your plantings, remove any weeds and and debris. Eliminating the weeds now will prevent hundreds of seeds from germinating in the spring. Trim back any damaged limbs and branches. Sanitize and oil all your garden tools to prevent disease and corrosion. While you should continue to mow your grass, remember your mower should also be prepared properly for the winter. Change the oil and filter; check the plug, and lastly, drain the fuel. Doing all of this will extend the life of the mower and improve its performance.
  • Compost is your garden's best friend. And, it’s your way of recycling naturally. Fall is a great time to start a compost pile with grass clippings and spent plants as you clean up your vegetable garden. You can also add the used potting soil from your container plantings. The endless stream of falling leaves can be shredded with your mower and added to the compost pile too.

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