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The Do's and Don'ts of Customer Clinics

I had the chance to be a fly on the wall, and listen in to a roundtable discussion at the 2024 Precision Farming Dealer Summit in Indianapolis, as dealers discussed some of their best practices and biggest challenges when it comes to hosting customer clinics. Here are some interesting nuggets I jotted down in my notes app. 

The question of charging for clinics came up, to which one precision specialist responded, "When we do free events, if they're not paying anything, then they don't have skin in the game, and they don't participate as much in the clinic. That's one benefit of a perceived cost. They might walk away with a higher appreciation of the clinic." Another dealer said they don't charge for clinics because their customers have already made a big investment by being there. 

How big should clinics be? There were differing opinions on that question.

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Video: Determining Faba Bean Crop Yield

Join Dr. Jenn Walker in a Faba Bean field near New Norway to take a look at some indicators for determining Faba Bean crop yield.