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U.S. Company Acquires Two Saskatchewan Grain Elevators

A new U.S. based organic food company has started doing business in Saskatchewan.
Pipeline Foods has acquired grain elevators in Wapella and Gull Lake.
Pipeline foods chief executive Eric Jackson sees Saskatchewan as a key part of setting up a supply chain for the organic food industry.
He says the elevator in Wapella is being re-connected to the CP Rail line.
“That particular facility had been disconnected from the railroad and was simply being used as farmer storage,” Jackson said. “They’re reconnecting it to the railroad and turning it back on again.”
Source : CKRM

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Cattle Markets - Mike Briggs

Video: Cattle Markets - Mike Briggs

Turning our attention over to the Markets. Joining us now to discuss the recent movements in the Cattle Market is the owner and operator of Briggs Feed Yard, Mr. Mike Briggs.