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US pork processing: preparations underway for mass deportations of illegal workers

The US meat processing sector relies on the use of illegal workers and is therefore scrambling for solutions in the face of President-Elect Trump’s plans for mass deportation of illegal migrants. Trump has stated that he will begin, after his inauguration 20 January, with criminal illegals and then deport others.

According to Wired Magazine, “around 23% of workers in the meatpacking industry are undocumented.” Comments from packers such as Christensen Farms (owner of two of the largest pork processing plants in the US, Seaboard Foods in Oklahoma and Triumph Foods in Missouri), JBS and Tyson have been scarce on this issue.

Outside of processing, there are denials from such groups as the North Carolina Pork Council that pig farmers use undocumented workers, but there are many reports that these workers are commonly hired on pig, dairy and poultry farms in various states.

Raids related to illegal workers at processing plants have occurred sporadically, but not often. In 2018, Christensen Farms was had a widely-publicised visit from US Immigration and Customs Enforcement, but there appears to be no publicized activity since. Indeed during the pandemic, US meat processors received special permissions to operate in order to keep meat in grocery stores.

It is challenging for companies like Christensen Farms to find Americans to fill processing positions as the wage is low, the temperature is cold, the work is physically taxing and there is a substantial risk of injury.  

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