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US Seeding Intentions Dependent On Weather Says Market Analyst

There is currently an oversupply of oilseeds in the marketplace, as confirmed by last Friday's USDA Prospective Plantings Report.
As of March 1st, US farmers said they intended to plant a record high 89.5 million acres of soybeans this year.
Estimated US corn acres for 2017 are down four per cent from last year, while wheat would be at its lowest total planted area since records began in 1919.
Dan Basse, president of Ag Resource Company in Chicago, explains how the markets are reacting to that news.
"Markets have been reacting positively on corn and wheat and negatively on soybeans as one would imagine," he said. "We're concerned about US weather. As we look at the planting season forthcoming here for corn, we've got too much rain in the forecast for the Midwest. It doesn't look like corn seeding is going to start anytime soon."
Source : Portageonline

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Newer Ventilation Technology for Swine Production

Video: Newer Ventilation Technology for Swine Production

Hog farmers are constantly looking for ways to improve the energy efficiency and air quality in their barns. This is important for the pigs, as well as the workers who care for them.

In this interview with @Swineweb Vic Faust, Chris Elvidge, PigTek Engineering and Technical Service Manager, highlights the latest fan and ventilation control technology innovations producers should consider for new construction or updating existing pig production facilities.