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We need your input: risk management for market gardens

Severe weather events, particularly hailstorms, negatively affected market gardens in central Alberta during the summer of 2022. Several operations faced extensive crop damage and have raised concerns about gaps in insurance coverage for market gardens.

We are holding two input advisory group meetings in January to gather information from Alberta’s market garden operators about the risks they face and how risk management programs can be improved to better meet these risks. Currently, market gardens in Alberta are eligible for Straight Hail Insurance, AgriStability and AgriInvest.

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Seed Speaks: Shielding The Seed Industry From Cyber Villains

Video: Seed Speaks: Shielding The Seed Industry From Cyber Villains

Cyber attacks against the food and ag industry, including our seed sector, are on the rise in the U.S. To combat evolving threats, the Food and Agriculture - Information Sharing and Analysis Center (Food and Ag-ISAC) and its members, which include many seed sector companies, recently launched a University Partnership Program with Iowa State University, the University of Nebraska, Purdue University, and Virginia Tech. The partnership will bring pair experts with real-world threats to design solutions.