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Wisconsin Farmer Blames Overproduction For U.S. Dairy Problems

While many American dairy farmers are unhappy with Canada`s trade policies, not everyone feels the same way.
Canada`s dairy industry was targeted recently by President Trump, who suggested that the current supply management system is hurting dairy farmers in the U.S.
Chris Holman is a director for the Wisconsin Farmers Union.
He says the real problem is that there is too much milk being produced in the U.S.
"Short of culling cows there's not really an easy way to turn cows off, so without taking some sort of stance towards managing the supply one way or the other, and maybe there's a reluctance here in the States to have the government involved in any level, but certainly producers and their farmers could work together to come to better solutions moving forward."
Source : Portageonline

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Video: Making Progress On The New Pasture: Posts Are In!

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