Corn Nitrogen Fertilizer Stabilizers - Leonardo Bastos
May 07, 2018

Video: Corn Nitrogen Fertilizer Stabilizers - Leonardo Bastos

Corn Nitrogen Fertilizer Stabilizers – Leonardo Bastos, University of Nebraska—Lincoln Graduate Research Assistant of agronomy, explains why nitrogen is important for the growth and development of corn and discusses how nitrogen fertilizer stabilizers can help decrease the chances of nitrogen loss.

Corn Nitrogen Fertilizer Stabilizers - Leonardo Bastos

Corn Nitrogen Fertilizer Stabilizers - Leonardo Bastos

Corn Nitrogen Fertilizer Stabilizers – Leonardo Bastos, University of Nebraska—Lincoln Graduate Research Assistant of agronomy, explains why nitrogen is important for the growth and development of corn and discusses how nitrogen fertilizer stabilizers can help decrease the chances of nitrogen lo... More
Iron Deficiency Chlorosis

Iron Deficiency Chlorosis

If your fields have a history of iron deficiency chlorosis, there are ways to fix the problem, both short-term and long-term. Brian and Darren Hefty share their advice for dealing with IDC.... More
Iron Talk - Stream Bars In Wheat

Iron Talk - Stream Bars In Wheat

In this week's Iron Talk, Darren Hefty talks about using stream bars or stream spray tips to apply nitrogen in your wheat crop.... More
Farm Basics - Spray Tips

Farm Basics - Spray Tips

Darren and Brian talk about the importance of using the right spray nozzles, as well as the importance of changing them regularly.... More
Market Movers: May Crop Report

Market Movers: May Crop Report

Industry experts Dave Hightower, Founding Principal of The Hightower Report, and Dan Basse, President of AgResource Company, preview the May 10 USDA report discussing corn and soybean yields in advance of its publication.... More
Farm State Senators Pressure Pruitt Over Hardship Waivers

Farm State Senators Pressure Pruitt Over Hardship Waivers

This week, 18 Senators from mid-western states sent a letter to EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, seeking a timeline from his agency as to when E-15 would be authorized for sale at gas pumps nationwide.... More
Controlled Tile Drainage in Ontario

Controlled Tile Drainage in Ontario

Research has shown benefits of controlled tile drainage for both the environment and production. The majority of nutrient discharge into water courses occurs from March to June when the soil is exposed and the majority of nutrients are applied to fields. By installing valves to slow down tile ou... More

Dairy Enteligen Farmer Experience

Dairy Enteligen Farmer Experience

Dairy Enteligen can integrate data from your herd management systems,including nutrition formulation, to offer a real-time dashboard of operation insights.In an evolving consumer demands, volatility and market changes environment, Dairy Enteligen helps you to be in control of your farm productiv... More
 OSRN Researcher Profiles 2018: Dr. Robert Friendship

OSRN Researcher Profiles 2018: Dr. Robert Friendship

Ontario Swine Research Network Researcher Profiles 2018 Researcher Profiles 2018: Dr. Robert Friendship... More
 Establishing a High-Legume Pasture

Establishing a High-Legume Pasture

Why High-Legume Pastures?... More
 Custom Cattle Feeder

Custom Cattle Feeder

Gary Garman of Allan, Saskatchewan and his fairly large portable hay feeder that measures 17 feet wide and 96 feet long. It has a wooden sliding gate which is pushed along as the cattle clean up the feed. He feeds about 60 cows each winter and has a custom grinder fill the feeder. It is large en... More
Weed of the Week - Palmer Pigweed

Weed of the Week - Palmer Pigweed

The Hefty brothers share their ideas for controlling Palmer pigweed on the farm in this Weed of the Week segment.... More
Work Begins After Planting

Work Begins After Planting

Darren Hefty explains how farmers stay very busy after the seed is in the ground.... More
Cow Comfort - A Hoof Trimmer speaks on Legend and Hooftrimming

Cow Comfort - A Hoof Trimmer speaks on Legend and Hooftrimming

Watch Ryan Kent of Southwestern Hooftrimming speak about cow comfort, at Walker Dairy in Aylmer, Ontario.... More
 New John Deere R4044 Sprayer

New John Deere R4044 Sprayer

Get more power, less weight with the new John Deere R4044 Sprayer. You can get to the field earlier and spray later.... More
 Nitrogen use efficiency for malt barley production

Nitrogen use efficiency for malt barley production

Dr. Breanne Tidemann, Research Scientist with AAFC talks about Nitrogen use efficiency for malt barley production. This research explores varieties that could allow for maximum yield though nitrogen use without going above desired quality parameters.... More
  AWC Research Breanne Tideman

AWC Research Breanne Tideman

Breanne Tidemann, Research Scientist with AAFC Lacombe talks harvest weed seed control: targeting weed seeds and preventing them from being a problem next year. Learn more about Breanne and her team's work with the Herrington Seed Destructor and other methods they're working with.... More
Critical Texas Drought Forecast May Alter Summer Crop Planting Decisions

Critical Texas Drought Forecast May Alter Summer Crop Planting Decisions

The Texas High Plains is under extreme drought and if current conditions continue, producers need to make important decisions for summer crops, said Dr. Jourdan Bell, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service agronomist in Amarillo.... More
Cow-Calf Corner - Early Weaning

Cow-Calf Corner - Early Weaning

Glenn Selk says research shows there are benefits of early weaning in drought conditions.... More
Know Thy Customers

Know Thy Customers

Paul Dykstra, beef cattle specialist for the Certified Angus Beef brand, outlines ways for seedstock suppliers to differentiate their businesses by knowing their customers at all levels.... More
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