Yield Factors at Seeding in Small Grains
Apr 04, 2018
John Deere experts talk to Pam Fretwell about four key areas that help determine yield in small grains: the seeding window, correct rate, nutrient uptake, and uniform emergence.

  Yield Factors at Seeding in Small Grains

Yield Factors at Seeding in Small Grains

John Deere experts talk to Pam Fretwell about four key areas that help determine yield in small grains: the seeding window, correct rate, nutrient uptake, and uniform emergence.... More
 John Deere 9410R Tractor

John Deere 9410R Tractor

410 HP John Deere 9410R Tractor... More
 Corn Planting with New Holland Tractors

Corn Planting with New Holland Tractors

Big New Holland Tractors Corn Planting.... More
 Spotlight on S.I. Distributing Inc - Schumacher EasyCut II System and Martin Row Cleaners

Spotlight on S.I. Distributing Inc - Schumacher EasyCut II System and Martin Row Cleaners

Rachel Gingell speaks with Kyle Williams from S.I. Distributing about the biggest difference with the EasyCut II System by Schumacher... the rollers eliminate the metal on metal wear and more! See and Hear the Difference!... More
 David Hula World Record Corn Yield

David Hula World Record Corn Yield

David Hula yields 542.27 bushels per acre in the 2017 National Corn Growers Association competition in the category of No-Till / Stip-Till Irrigated... More
Grow Ontario Together - Joe Hill

Grow Ontario Together - Joe Hill

Farmers can attest to the positive value of manure used in crop production. However, phosphorus and other nutrients can be lost to runoff when applied at the wrong time. The RIGHT timing can increase profits and minimize harmful environmental impacts... More
  What does it take to be a young farmer?

What does it take to be a young farmer?

We asked producers and entrepreneurs from across Canada share their thoughts about the passion, drive and commitment it takes to be part of the ag industry they love.... More

Presentation by Honourable Oniel Carlier

Presentation by Honourable Oniel Carlier

Presentation by Honourable Oniel Carlier (Minister for Agriculture & Foresty, Alberta, Canada)... More
 CPTPP and Canadian canola

CPTPP and Canadian canola

The Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership is a pivotal opportunity for the Canadian economy.... More
The basics of LLCs

The basics of LLCs

Shannon Ferrell explains the importance of setting up family farms and ranches as a business.... More
Details, Relationships Sell Calves

Details, Relationships Sell Calves

Paul Dykstra, beef cattle specialist for the Certified Angus Beef brand, discusses the need for technical details in cattle marketing, along with the traditional key of personal reputation and relationships. This video news is provided by Certified Angus Beef LLC (CAB) and the American Angus Ass... More
Right to Repair

Right to Repair

Since the dawn of time, Farmers not only produced food to feed the world, but they fixed the machinery that helped them do it.... More
The Angus Report, April 2, 2018: Maternal Focus

The Angus Report, April 2, 2018: Maternal Focus

Head West and hear the story behind a long-standing Angus seedstock operation, Tehama Angus Ranch.... More
CattleFax Market Update

CattleFax Market Update

Fresh retail beef prices are up. Marcus Brix shares this week's CattleFax market update. Visit cattle fax.com for more market news and information.... More
Market Monitor - Prospective Plantings Report

Market Monitor - Prospective Plantings Report

Kim Anderson says markets were excited following the release of USDA’s March Prospective Plantings report.... More
Meet an Ontario beef farmer

Meet an Ontario beef farmer

The RIGHT timing can increase profits and minimize harmful environmental impacts... More
AWC West 2018

AWC West 2018

This wrap-up video will give you a quick overview from our March 26 & 27, 2018 Advancing Women in Agriculture Conference at Calgary's Hyatt Regency Hotel. We had over 450 women in attendance, and had an amazing time of learning, connecting and celebrating women in Agriculture!... More
 Canadian Agricultural Partnership

Canadian Agricultural Partnership

The Canadian Agricultural Partnership support Canada's agri-food and agri-products sectors.... More
 Alternatives to Therapeutic Zinc in Pig Production

Alternatives to Therapeutic Zinc in Pig Production

In this Tech Topic video, Dr. Karen Lehe, Director of Swine Business Development for Diamond V, explains the role of "therapeutic zinc" in pig production, as well as risks associated with its use, including effects on the environment and antibiotic resistance. She also offers insights on other a... More
Spotlight on STEINBAUER Power Modules

Spotlight on STEINBAUER Power Modules

Host Rachel Gingell explains how Steinbauer Power Module increases power and torque by 25% in a safe and easy way.... More
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