Launching Germinating Success
Jul 18, 2017
From Canterra Seeds News                      
CANTERRA SEEDS announced today the launch of its new "Germinating Success™" grower rewards program at the Ag In Motion outdoor farm expo. The rewards program is a first of its kind in Western Canada, and offers customers increased rewards for planting CANTERRA SEEDS and PRIDE Seeds products on their farm.
"CANTERRA SEEDS is proud to offer the most diverse seed portfolio in Western Canada" said David Hansen, President and CEO of CANTERRA SEEDS. "Our growers benefit from the advanced genetics of our top-tier portfolio of products, and with Germinating Success they now have the opportunity to earn additional rewards back on every acre."
Germinating Success™ is setting a new standard for grower reward programs by offering the chance to earn rewards on CANTERRA SEEDS' full seed portfolio. The formula is simple – a grower will not be bound to purchase a single variety, but will be able to earn rewards on their entire rotation.
A minimum purchase of CANTERRA SEEDS canola or PRIDE Seeds corn earns a grower a per-acre reward. Growers who purchase at least 320 acres of CANTERRA SEEDS canola or PRIDE Seeds corn will earn rewards on additional acres of CANTERRA SEEDS pulses, cereals, oilseeds and specialty crops, and PRIDE Seeds soybeans. To participate, growers must sign up online at

Details on a new rewards program from CANTERRA SEEDS.


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Launching Germinating Success

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