Grass Tetany

Grass Tetany

Dave Lalman has advice for cattle producers who may be dealing with grass tetany in the coming weeks.... More
Kentucky Cover Crop Soybeans

Kentucky Cover Crop Soybeans

Jason Webster provides and overview of the PFR Report - Kentucky Cover Crop Soybeans. How cover crops can be used to improve soil management and increase yields. ... More
Testing Yetter Stalk Devastator Residue Management.

Testing Yetter Stalk Devastator Residue Management.

Beck’s PFR Report — Yetter Stalk Devastator | During 2015 harvest, PFR Innovation Lead, Jason Webster visited Iowa farmer, Jim Lensch to conduct residue management trials. Mensch ran Yetter Manufacturing’s 5000 Stalk Devastator on his farm to tear up his corn stalks and decrease residue.... More
Enlist Soybeans

Enlist Soybeans

Brian and Darren Hefty discuss Enlist soybeans and how farmers can integrate them into their cropping plan.... More
Farm Basics- Spray Adjuvants

Farm Basics- Spray Adjuvants

Brian and Darren Hefty discuss using spray adjuvants to increase the effectiveness of products applied to crops.... More
Precision Ag Cuts Costs And Improves Margins

Precision Ag Cuts Costs And Improves Margins

The use of precision agriculture technology helps farmers plant and apply only the needed amount of seed and other inputs to produce a high yielding crop. Michelle Rook looks at how this helps them cuts costs in this low grain price environment. ... More
Baxter Black: Dogs were made to bark

Baxter Black: Dogs were made to bark

Baxter Black, the cowboy poet shares thoughts on the ways of ranch dogs.... More

Will Antibiotics Help The Cow?

Will Antibiotics Help The Cow?

Treatment Decisions For Clinical Mastitis: Will Antibiotics Help The Cow? ... More
Cow-Calf Corner

Cow-Calf Corner

Glenn Selk explains how newborn calves absorb antibodies in the first hours of their life.... More
IPTV: Market Analyst Don Roose

IPTV: Market Analyst Don Roose

How low can it go? Price declines leave the oil industry in limbo. President Obama cries foul on his status as a lame duck. Another commodity’s downturn tugs at the fiber of rural America. Market analysis with Don Roose.... More
Data Management Made Easy

Data Management Made Easy

This Iowa grower uses machine and agronomic data in new ways to make decisions on-the-go … even with his older equipment.... More
Rust In Wheat

Rust In Wheat

SUNUP visit with Bob Hunger about rust showing up in Oklahoma wheat fields.... More
Farmers Planning For 2016 Crop Season

Farmers Planning For 2016 Crop Season

Even though its wintertime grain farmers are already busy preparing for the upcoming crop season. This is the time of year they are working with their agronomists and other consultants to line up their cropping plan, purchasing inputs and attending farm shows to learn about new technology.... More
Market to Market, Analyst Ted Seifried

Market to Market, Analyst Ted Seifried

New year, new you and now new dietary guidelines. El Nino slams several states, bringing too much of a good thing to the parched region. Two brothers turned an FFA project into a money-making enterprise. Market analysis with Ted Seifried.... More
Derrell Peel On Cattle Market 2016 Outlook

Derrell Peel On Cattle Market 2016 Outlook

Derrell Peel says he is watching trade and consumption to see how they could influence cattle markets in 2016. ... More
Cow-Calf Corner: Passive Immunity

Cow-Calf Corner: Passive Immunity

Glenn Selk explains why passive immunity is important in the first 24 hours of a calf’s life.... More
Sugarcane Grinding Season Finishing Up

Sugarcane Grinding Season Finishing Up

This year’s sugarcane grinding season is finally wrapping up. This season will be remembered for its dry, fast start with high sugar recovery levels that eventually turned into a wet, muddy finish with lower sugar recovered. LSU AgCenter correspondent Craig Gautreaux has the story.... More
Soils Support Health, International Year Of Soils 2015

Soils Support Health, International Year Of Soils 2015

Nutrients and microbes in the soil help grow healthful foods, create a clean, productive environment, and allow humans to directly receive health benefits through certain antibiotics and anti-cancer drugs. A Kansas State University soil microbiologist speaks on these items as part of the 2015 In... More
Priaxor On Canola Grower Testimonials

Priaxor On Canola Grower Testimonials

With tightened canola rotations and the rise of blackleg across Western Canada, reliance on resistance genetics alone is no longer enough. Tank-mixed with your in-crop canola herbicide, Priaxor helps you manage blackleg and take your canola crop to the next level. ... More
Pulse Producers Can Improve Crop

Pulse Producers Can Improve Crop

Leighton Blashko of Bayer CropScience talks about the Year of Pulses and some of the exciting new products growers can use to increase crop health and yields.... More
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