#LetsTalkCrop - AgriStability Enrolment
Apr 23, 2019

Video: #LetsTalkCrop - AgriStability Enrolment

Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation Join President and CEO Shawn Jaques in an online conversation. #LetsTalkCrop - AgriStability Enrolment


#LetsTalkCrop - AgriStability Enrolment

#LetsTalkCrop - AgriStability Enrolment

Saskatchewan Crop Insurance Corporation Join President and CEO Shawn Jaques in an online conversation. #LetsTalkCrop - AgriStability Enrolment... More
Maizex Moving: Spring Preparations 2019

Maizex Moving: Spring Preparations 2019

Stephen Denys and Greg Stewart are getting prepared for spring! They discuss temperature vs. fitness, Seed Right Recommendations, and preparing your planter for maximum uniformity!... More
New Energy Farms

New Energy Farms

New Energy Farms takes the greenhouse industry into a new dimension with the production of energy crops for application in world markets.... More
Raised by a Canadian Farmer Animal Care Program

Raised by a Canadian Farmer Animal Care Program

Chicken Farmers of Ontario Raised by a Canadian Farmer Animal Care Program... More
Fish and Wildlife Licensing Service: Printing and saving the Licence Summary

Fish and Wildlife Licensing Service: Printing and saving the Licence Summary

With the introduction of Ontario’s new Fish and Wildlife Licensing Service, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry is introducing a number of new rules and regulations to support the new service.... More
Aerial Applicators Soar Over Iowa

Aerial Applicators Soar Over Iowa's Croplands

Each summer aerial dare devils fly the skies dusting crops from dawn to dusk. Some of those pilots have added more flights to provide a new way to assist in feeding the world - even as drone technology appears on the horizon.... More
New Rule Changes for WOTUS

New Rule Changes for WOTUS

Several thousand Corn Belt acres remain under water from spring flooding. This week, several senators journeyed to the heart of the damage and delivered sharp criticism to the federal agency that manages dams along the Missouri River.... More

Markets with Dr. Derrell Peel

Markets with Dr. Derrell Peel

Oklahoma State University Livestock Marketing Specialist Dr. Derrell Peel discusses a lag in beef production, how the cattle market is reacting to the flooding and much more.... More
Soybean Seed Treatments

Soybean Seed Treatments

Brian and Darren discuss various seed treatments, and whether or not you should try to save money by cutting them.... More
Advanced Diagnostic Tests Helping Identify IBV in Europe

Advanced Diagnostic Tests Helping Identify IBV in Europe

The QX strain of infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) remains the most common variant of IBV in Europe, but the prevalence of the variant 02 strain appears to be on the increase, indicate results from the Zoetis diagnostic laboratory in France.... More
Navigating the Maze of Alternative Products for Necrotic Enteritis Control

Navigating the Maze of Alternative Products for Necrotic Enteritis Control

The effectiveness of antibiotic alternatives is going to vary among “no antibiotics ever” (NAE) production systems, and it’s up to the producers to figure out which alternatives will work in their particular operation, Greg Mathis, PhD, of Southern Poultry Research, told Poultry Health Today.... More
Fat is Key

Fat is Key

Ronald Scott, Director of Beef Technical Innovations for Purina Animal Nutrition/Land O’ Lakes, talks about the importance of adding fat supplements to your cow herd diet.... More
Alternative Uses for Brewer

Alternative Uses for Brewer's Spent Grain

We learn how a brewery is making chips and crackers from by-products of the beer making process.... More
Farm Basics - Pesticide Safety

Farm Basics - Pesticide Safety

The Hefty brothers explain the current state of the safety of pesticides, and steps that farmers take to stay safe when working around pesticides.... More
Wild Blueberries: Harvesting and Processing

Wild Blueberries: Harvesting and Processing

Curious about how wild blueberries in Prince Edward Island are harvested and processed?... More
Striking a balance in U.S.-Canadian beef exports

Striking a balance in U.S.-Canadian beef exports

Canada’s economy is well-integrated to the U.S., with the beef value chain being one example of product that is both imported and exported by both countries. While their production and consumption numbers are roughly equal, U.S. consumers still import significant amounts of Canadian beef.... More
Sevita International

Sevita International

Sevita International, which headquarters in Inkerman, Ontario developments and supplies speciality non-GMO food-grade soybean to food... More
IL Pork -Borgic Farms Fire Story

IL Pork -Borgic Farms Fire Story

Illinois Pork Producers Association - IL Pork -Borgic Farms Fire Story... More
Manitoba Pork

Manitoba Pork's 2019 AGM Video

MBPorkfan - Manitoba Pork's 2019 AGM Video... More
Flood Impacts on Land Values with Jim Jansen

Flood Impacts on Land Values with Jim Jansen

Some Nebraska landowners were already dealing with depreciating land values, and now many are worried as to how the recent flooding may make it worse. Nebraska Extension Ag Economist Jim Jansen stops by to talk about it.... More
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