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Poultry Farming Videos

Watch educational poultry farming videos about chickens, turkeys, and other fowl from poultry farmers and researchers. Learn about the latest news in the poultry farming industry, as well as how to take care better care of poultry. Videos discuss poultry science, feeding, antibiotic usage, handling, and more.
Avian Influenza Update- March 26, 2022

Avian Influenza Update- March 26, 2022

Dr. Rosslyn Biggs, OSU Extension veterinarian, discusses the ongoing spread of avian influenza cases in the country and explains how taking sound biosecurity measures to keep your flock safe.... More
Caring for Communities Commercial Featuring Our Farmer Andrew Reimer

Caring for Communities Commercial Featuring Our Farmer Andrew Reimer

Our CTV Winnipeg commercial highlights the importance of giving back to the communities we work and live. Watch to learn how Manitoba Chicken Producers farmers, like Andrew and his family, are donating a continuous supply of lean, nutritious protein-rich chicken to Manitobans in need though our ... More
Turkey-farm study finds Salmonella Infantis prevalent

Turkey-farm study finds Salmonella Infantis prevalent

Research studying Salmonella in turkey production found Salmonella Infantis to be by far the dominant serotype — recorded in over a quarter of positive results.... More
Bird Flu Returns to the U.S.

Bird Flu Returns to the U.S.

China shut down the import of some U.S. agricultural goods from two states on news of a H5N1 outbreak.... More
Ivory Arden: A 24-year-old egg entrepreneur

Ivory Arden: A 24-year-old egg entrepreneur

From the age of 9, Ivory Arden has had a passion for poultry and an eagerness for enterprise, from rearing rare breeds in her garden to rearing over 4,000 partridges for the local shoot. It was in 2015 when Ivory hit 18 years of age, that the Lincolnshire arable farm where Ivory was raised, dive... More
Hodgins Farms - Livestock Integration (chickens)

Hodgins Farms - Livestock Integration (chickens)

Hodgins Farms is a livestock farm specializing in cows, chickens, pigs, sheep and bees located near Lenore, MB. In this video we see daughter of owner, Cameron Hodgins, talk about how how they use broiler chickens and turkeys to add nutrients to the ground and how it impacts growth the following... More
Don’t Overlook Feed Biosecurity in Efforts to Manage Salmonella

Don’t Overlook Feed Biosecurity in Efforts to Manage Salmonella

Biosecurity in feed mills and on-farm feed storage should not be overlooked when it comes to managing the risk of Salmonella in poultry flocks, according to a turkey-health expert.... More

Why ‘Vaccinated’ Chickens still get Infected with IBV — and what to do about it

Why ‘Vaccinated’ Chickens still get Infected with IBV — and what to do about it

While many vaccines and vaccination programs effectively protect against the highly contagious infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) in poultry, outbreaks of the disease still occur in vaccinated flocks. Brian Jordan, PhD, associate professor at the University of Georgia, recently shared his insight... More
Interaction of Modified-Live and Recombinant Vaccines Shows Potential Against Viral Ddiseases

Interaction of Modified-Live and Recombinant Vaccines Shows Potential Against Viral Ddiseases

Adding a modified-live vaccine (MLV) to recombinant vaccine programs against three important viral pathogens in poultry production can have a positive impact on outcomes, according to field work by Sanderson Farms veterinarians.... More
Burnbrae Farms Sustainability with Fields to Forks

Burnbrae Farms Sustainability with Fields to Forks

Burnbrae Farms - Burnbrae Farms Sustainability with Fields to Forks... More
Pogue Family - Organic Turkey Farmers

Pogue Family - Organic Turkey Farmers

Ontario Turkey - Learn a little about life on an organic turkey farm in Ontario!... More
The Market for Plant-Based Chicken Gains Two Big Name Players

The Market for Plant-Based Chicken Gains Two Big Name Players

Rival California plant-based food startups Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods hope the same formula used to make their beef products... More
Chicken coop tour.

Chicken coop tour.

We have bin bottoms to start cleaning out, as well as escaping pigs to deal with. We have also started building our deep littler base in the chicken coop, so we did a little chciken coop tour.... More
Two Years of IBV Sampling Underlines Importance of Surveillance Work

Two Years of IBV Sampling Underlines Importance of Surveillance Work

Large-scale collection of samples from producers across the southern US is helping shed new light on infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) in chicken flocks — including uncovering a new serotype of the pathogen.... More
Periodic IBV PCR Testing is Key to Ensuring Vaccination Efficacy

Periodic IBV PCR Testing is Key to Ensuring Vaccination Efficacy

Complexes should regularly evaluate the infectious bronchitis viruses (IBV) prevalent on their farms to help determine which vaccines can provide the best protection possible.... More
Meet the Wollmann Family One of Our Hard-working Manitoba Chicken Producers Farm Families

Meet the Wollmann Family One of Our Hard-working Manitoba Chicken Producers Farm Families

We're very pleased to share a day in a life of the Wollmann family, one of our hard-working Manitoba Chicken Producers farm families. Watch and learn how they take pride in providing fellow Manitobans with a nutritious source of local protein year-round.... More
Measuring temperature of birds’ faces could help identify heat stress in flocks

Measuring temperature of birds’ faces could help identify heat stress in flocks

Use of thermal imaging cameras to measure facial temperatures may offer a non-invasive option for assessing heat stress in commercial broilers, according to research from the University of Arkansas.... More
Going With the Flow: How to Maximize the Effectiveness of Spray Vaccination

Going With the Flow: How to Maximize the Effectiveness of Spray Vaccination

Attention to detail is vital when it comes to ensuring that spray vaccinations against respiratory diseases such as infectious bronchitis are as effective as they can possibly be, according to a poultry health expert. Brian Jordan, associate professor at the University of Georgia, said how t... More
Cross-protection Vaccine Protocols Key to Limiting DMV/1639 Spread in US Flocks

Cross-protection Vaccine Protocols Key to Limiting DMV/1639 Spread in US Flocks

Thorough vaccination programs and bird surveillance are critical to giving US flocks the best possible chance of protection against evolving strains of infectious bronchitis virus (IBV).... More
Testing Mixed Control Approaches Important in Controlling Salmonella in Broilers

Testing Mixed Control Approaches Important in Controlling Salmonella in Broilers

Commercial broiler farms often employ a multi-faceted approach in tackling Salmonella, but testing different combinations of control options together on a small scale before they are rolled out across entire production facilities is a valuable method of ensuring successful disease control, accor... More
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