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Poultry Farming Videos

Watch educational poultry farming videos about chickens, turkeys, and other fowl from poultry farmers and researchers. Learn about the latest news in the poultry farming industry, as well as how to take care better care of poultry. Videos discuss poultry science, feeding, antibiotic usage, handling, and more.
The Majority of Antibiotics Used In Poultry Production Are Not Used In Human Medicine

The Majority of Antibiotics Used In Poultry Production Are Not Used In Human Medicine

The antibiotics used most often in humans are not the same ones used most often in chicken production.... More
What Can Consumers Do To Keep Bacteria At Bay?

What Can Consumers Do To Keep Bacteria At Bay?

What Can Consumers Do To Keep Bacteria At Bay? Good practices in your kitchen can reduce your risk of contamination by any bacteria – resistant or not.... More
Getting the hen house ready washing and disinfecting

Getting the hen house ready washing and disinfecting

We our a family farm in Ontario Canada enjoying showing you the work we do to bring eggs to your table this is the first time I get to show you are new flock in the barn and talk about what we will be doing in the future... More
Details Matter When it Comes to ILT Vaccination Success

Details Matter When it Comes to ILT Vaccination Success

Attention to detail is key to successfully vaccinating broiler flocks against infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT), according to a poultry health expert.... More
Molecular Test Helps Identify Pathogenicity in New Strains of Infectious Bursal Disease Virus

Molecular Test Helps Identify Pathogenicity in New Strains of Infectious Bursal Disease Virus

A genetic technique which could help improve predictions about the virulence of infectious bursal disease (IBDV) has identified pathogenicity in seven new strains of the virus which causes an immunosuppressive condition.... More
Sharing Data Can Help Manage Layer-Farm Disease and Increase Production

Sharing Data Can Help Manage Layer-Farm Disease and Increase Production

Sharing and analyzing data at farm level and beyond can offer new insights that improve bird health and profitability on layer farms, according to a poultry industry expert.... More
Histopathology Helping Poultry Plants Use Science to Defend Carcasses, Minimize Condemnations

Histopathology Helping Poultry Plants Use Science to Defend Carcasses, Minimize Condemnations

Most people in live poultry production haven’t spent a lot of time reading about histopathology.... More

Avian Flu Outbreak

Avian Flu Outbreak

University of Nebraska Poultry Veterinarian Don Reynolds discusses the current avian flu strain H5N8, and the importance of biosecurity in a poultry operation.... More
Poultry Litter and Soybean Production

Poultry Litter and Soybean Production

How does poultry litter impact soybean production in North Carolina? Joe Burns is researching whether poultry litter application affects yield and quality of soybeans grown across North Carolina.... More
Study: Larger Particles in Starter Feed Lead to Better Performance

Study: Larger Particles in Starter Feed Lead to Better Performance

Starter feed of larger particles consumed by young chicks is associated with better performance during the lifetime of broiler birds, according to a study conducted at Mississippi State University.... More
Vet Scripts - Backyard Chickens & Biosecurity

Vet Scripts - Backyard Chickens & Biosecurity

Dr. Barry Whitworth has information for backyard poultry growers.... More
Caring for Turkeys

Caring for Turkeys

In this video, Canadian turkey farmers Kathryn and Clair talk about the level of care and attention that goes into raising their flocks of turkeys. From housing to ventilation, biosecurity and nutrition, you’ll learn about it all here.... More
Larger Particles in Starter Feed Lead to Better Performance

Larger Particles in Starter Feed Lead to Better Performance

Starter feed of larger particles consumed by young chicks is associated with better performance during the lifetime of broiler birds, according to a study conducted at Mississippi State University.... More
How Turkeys grow

How Turkeys grow

A male turkey is called a Tom; a female turkey is called a Hen and young turkeys are called poults. On this Canadian family farm, they raise “Toms” which are used for further processing markets for some of the many turkey items you can find in your grocery store like ground turkey, turkey roll o... More
FarmFood360° Virtual Reality Chicken Farm Tour

FarmFood360° Virtual Reality Chicken Farm Tour

In this 360° video tour, you’ll get to see inside a working Ontario broiler chicken farm. These are chickens that are raised for meat. You’ll learn how chickens are cared for from the time they arrive as newly hatched chicks until they are ready for market. You’ll also learn what they eat, where... More
Are we actually eating antibiotics in chicken?

Are we actually eating antibiotics in chicken?

No matter what you hear, remember: when you eat chicken, you’re not eating the antibiotics that it may have been given.... More
FarmFood360° – Virtual Reality Turkey Farm Tour

FarmFood360° – Virtual Reality Turkey Farm Tour

In this 360° video tour, you’ll get to see inside a working Canadian turkey farm and learn all about how turkeys are cared for, what they eat, where they live, and how Canadian turkey farmers care for their birds. You’ll see birds of different ages in two different types of barns and learn about... More
Antibiotics and Canadian Chicken: A Whiteboard Video

Antibiotics and Canadian Chicken: A Whiteboard Video

Concerned about antibiotic resistance and use? We are too. Check out this short video we’ve put together to talk about the issue and what chicken farmers are doing about it. And what you can do as well!... More
Serotype, Presentation of IBH Differ in Large and Small Birds

Serotype, Presentation of IBH Differ in Large and Small Birds

More than one serotype has been the cause of inclusion body hepatitis (IBH) in broilers, which has presented differently in large- and small-bird complexes, Suzanne Dougherty, DVM, of Pilgrim’s, told Poultry Health Today.... More
Coccidiosis in Conventional Flocks Presenting a Significant Challenge

Coccidiosis in Conventional Flocks Presenting a Significant Challenge

Coccidiosis is proving to be a significant challenge in conventional flocks, Suzanne Dougherty, DVM, Pilgrim’s, told Poultry Health Today.... More
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