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Chris Hadfield to Speak at GFO March Classic 2014

Chris Hadfield to Speak at GFO March Classic 2014

By Amanda Brodhagen,

The 2014 March Classic Conference is expected to be ‘out of this world’. Grain Farmers of Ontario (GFO) announced that Astronaut Chris Hadfield will be the keynote speaker for its annual conference.

Hadfield was the commander of the International Space Station and is best known for live tweeting and sharing his experiences through Skype and video from space. Hadfield was born and raised on a grain farm near Sarnia, Ontario.

“Grain Farmers of Ontario looks forward to hearing about Chris Hadfield’s farming roots and unique career path,” said Barry Senft, CEO of GFO. Senft says GFO is proud to have Hadfield deliver the keynote address at March Classic.

The March Classic Conference will be held Monday, March 17 at the London Convention Centre. It attracts over 600 attendees annually from across Ontario. GFO is a commodity organisation which advocates on behalf of the province’s corn, soybean and wheat farmers.

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