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73.4 Acres - Clarence-Rockland Twp for Sale, Rockland, Ontario
  • 73.4 Acres - Clarence-Rockland Twp for Sale, Rockland, Ontario

$925,000  CAD
(approximately $645,742  USD)

Listing Details

Farm Type:
Bare Land
Listing Status:
3050 Old Hwy 17 Road,
Rockland, Ontario
K4K 1W1, Canada
Prescott and Russell United Counties
Total Acres:

Detailed Description

SOLD - Great land/investment/building lot opportunity! 73.4 acre parcel of farmland with frontage on both HWY 17 & Old HWY 17, just minutes East of the City of Rockland, offering great access! The zoning allows for a residential dwelling to be build on the North side of the property with a driveway off of Old Highway 17. The 70.3 cultivated acres were fully tile drained in 2009 at 40' spacing (maps available). This parcel can be purchased along with the 88.3 acre parcel located directly to the East, MLS#40459831 to make a combined 161.7 acres with 151.9 cultivated acres in one block! The productive soils have no stones and have been well taken care of, with timely applications of lime and fertilizer to produce great yielding crops. Recent yield history: 2020 corn crop yielded 198.72 bu/acre, 2021 soybean crop yielded 47.63 bu/acre and the 2022 hard red spring wheat yielded 62.95 bu/acre w annual revenue of $925/acre in 2022. Planted to corn The Seller is interested in renting the land back.
Phil Spoelstra and Ron Steenbergen
Farm Ontario - Ontario
675 Adelaide Street North
LondonON N5Y 2L4


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