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10 Interesting Facts to Share at the Christmas Dinner Table

10 Interesting Facts to Share at the Christmas Dinner Table

By Marcel Bruins 

  1. “Don’t worry, I have more potatoes in the kitchen. I read in this seed journal that plant breeders have created true potato seed, which allows them to speed up variety development, but it also has huge logistical and phytosanitary advantages. They call it the ‘Holy Grail’ of potato improvement.”
  2. “I want to say thanks for all the seeds that provide the world’s daily food. Our breakfast cereal and toast, our pasta or pizza lunch and our rice dish for dinner all started life as seeds from different plant species. There can be no life without seeds!”
  3. “Hey, can you pass me the sweet potatoes? These used to be typical for N. America but are more and more grown in Europe. Spain, Portugal and Italy are the largest EU producers with a total of over 100,000 tonnes per year and those numbers keep growing.”
  4. “This pumpkin pie is delicious. I read that in Sept. 2021, the record for the biggest pumpkin in the world was won by an Italian farmer with a pumpkin of 1226 kg.”
  5. “Hey kiddo, don’t eat so much candy. If you’re looking for a nutritious diet, make sure to include a lot of plant seeds. They have a nice balance of multiple proteins and monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which are good for your heart!”
  6. “You’re right grandpa, we did a project at school about healthy food, and our teacher told us to eat lots of cereals, pulses, but also other vegetables and fruits. It will make us live longer. I want to grow as old as you!
  7. “Last week our teacher taught us that every plant seed, no matter its size or species, contains three main parts: the embryo, the cotyledon and the seed coat. The embryo is the baby plant, the cotyledon is the source of a seed’s nourishment, and the seed coat provides a tough layer to protect the baby plant.”
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4R Nutrient Stewardship – Why it Matters

Video: 4R Nutrient Stewardship – Why it Matters

4R Nutrient Stewardship can help grow crops sustainably. By using the Right Source of nutrients at the Right Rate, in the Right Time and applying in the Right Place, the 4Rs work to increase production and profitability for farmers while demonstrating social and environmental benefits of farm practices. Nicole Penney, Precision Ag Manager for FS Partners, a 4R certified agri-retailer serving central and southwestern Ontario, walks through the 4R sustainability goals and the specifics of on farm practices aligning with source, rate, time and place. The agriculture sector recognizes the importance of environmental stewardship and its role in ensuring the proper use of fertilizer. Ontario has been a leader in encouraging famers to use nutrient management planning in crop production, and 4R certified agri-retailers to guide best use of nutrients.