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Farmers File CWB Case With Supreme Court of Canada

A group of farmer plaintiffs who have filed a Class Action lawsuit in regards to the government's dismantling of the CWB, are asking the Supreme Court of Canada to hear their case.
Stewart Wells, chairperson of the Friends of the Canadian Wheat Board says that there are three levels of loss that are being incurred including the values of the ongoing business, the hard assets of the contingency fund, and the misallocation of funds during the transition.
Wells notes that together those losses total about a $17 billion loss to western Canadian farmers.
"Clearly we believe the brand and the good name of the farmer-owned Wheat Board is also a form of property built and paid for by farmers, and this appeal will allow the Court to address this very substantial loss," he explained.
Wells adds that the seizure of the CWB assets and Ottawa's claim that farmers have no rights to them has brought the farm community together to lay claim to all the Wheat Board assets that farmers bought and paid for, and not just the cash remaining in the Pool account.

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