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Harvest season safety: Keystone Ag Producers urge drivers to share the road with farming equipment

Now that harvest season has arrived, farming equipment is on the roads. Keystone Agricultural Producers president Jill Verwey shares some reminders about keeping an eye on the road for the very busy 

"I always like to to mention sharing the road, the safety factor, and aspect to make sure that everybody that is on the road is aware that it is harvest time. Respectively, share the road and we want everyone home after work or when they're on the road."

She elaborates, noting this time of year is always a time to emphasize the concern.

"I know with the reliance on highway and traffic travelling and with big equipment on the highway, it's just notable to remind people during harvest of the additional traffic and large equipment that is on the highway. It's to make sure that everybody is aware of it, have some patience out there, and share the road so that we don't have any accidents."

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Opportunities in 4-H

Video: Opportunities in 4-H

Nia Smith, Student, Poplar Hill 4-H Club
The 4-H program has given Nia many opportunities over the years, from communication to leadership. Join Nia as she shares her experiences from this past year with her “Seed Starting from a Home Hydroponic System” science fair project, and how she had the opportunity to go to the Canadian Science Fair finals in Ottawa, ON.

>> Apply up to 750 lbs/ac at 10 mph – 70+ acres per hour
>> Optional Drop tubes on 30-inch spacing
>> High speed = higher application rates
>> Tighter fold for the best visibility