I believe in the future of Ag because...
Feb 27, 2017

The future of Canadian agriculture is bright. 

I believe in the future of Ag because...

I believe in the future of Ag because...

The future of Canadian agriculture is bright.... More
Pneumatic Closing Wheels on John Deere Planter

Pneumatic Closing Wheels on John Deere Planter

Learn how Pneumatic Closing Wheels can make a difference on your John Deere planter equipped with MaxEmerge 5e or ExactEmerge row units.... More
Keeper Of The Equipment: John Patterson Of Atlanta Athletic Club And John Deere

Keeper Of The Equipment: John Patterson Of Atlanta Athletic Club And John Deere

John Patterson is the Director of Equipment Operations at Atlanta Athletic Club. John manages a crew of four technicians and 400 pieces of equipment, which maintain AAC’s 36 championship holes. John talks about what it’s like to keep an eye on all of these machines and how John Deere fits into A... More
How To Mobile Row Unit Run Off

How To Mobile Row Unit Run Off

Learn how to efficiently perform your pre-season planter setup as well as troubleshooting in the field with Mobile Row Unit Run Off with PlanterPlus App – the quickest, most efficient way to dial in your rows and conduct a meter performance test to assure accuracy in your ExactEmerge or MaxEmerg... More
Ranger Nick: Feeding Cows A Healthy Diet

Ranger Nick: Feeding Cows A Healthy Diet

This month, Ranger Nick learns how UGA Extension specialists help cattle producers keep their cows fed healthy and nutritious diets.... More
ILeVO ® Shows Proven Protection Against Sudden Death Syndrome

ILeVO ® Shows Proven Protection Against Sudden Death Syndrome

The results are clear – ILeVO® leads to greater soybean yields. ILeVO is the first and only seed treatment product for soybeans that offers protection against Sudden Death Syndrome (SDS) and nematodes in the seed zone throughout the critical growing period, producing healthier plants for higher ... More
ILeVO® Protects Against Two Top Soybean Yield Robbers - SDS & SCN

ILeVO® Protects Against Two Top Soybean Yield Robbers - SDS & SCN

The results are clear – ILeVO® leads to greater soybean yields.... More

Weed Resistance - Andrew Kniss

Weed Resistance - Andrew Kniss

Andrew Kniss, University of Wyoming associate professor, discusses the challenge of controlling weeds with herbicide resistance.... More
Legislative Bill Could Upend Des Moines Water Works

Legislative Bill Could Upend Des Moines Water Works

The fallout from a pending lawsuit could require U.S. grain farmers to get water discharge permits. This week, a flanking maneuver was made that could submarine the entire case.... More
 IPTV Market To Market, Analyst Mark Gold

IPTV Market To Market, Analyst Mark Gold

A new bill could wash out a pending lawsuit. February weather is anything but normal. And learning how to price an old commodity in a new market. Those stories and market analysis with Mark Gold.... More
SDSU On-Farm Research Improving Soybean Yields

SDSU On-Farm Research Improving Soybean Yields

SDSU researchers are looking at agronomic issues in soybeans to help improve yields for the state's farmers.... More
Dry Beans

Dry Beans

There are ways to raise a higher-yielding dry bean crop. Brian and Darren Hefty talk about that in this segment.... More
Market Analysis - Doug Simon

Market Analysis - Doug Simon

Doug Simon, Tredas, describes the importance of Mexico’s corn import market. Doug also talks about U.S. planting acres, fund positions and recent price movements.... More
Alfalfa Survival - Bruce Anderson

Alfalfa Survival - Bruce Anderson

Bruce Anderson, Nebraska Extension forage specialist, talks about alfalfa survival after warm temperatures and snowfall, followed by repeated melting and freezing.... More
Iron Talk - Spreading Lime

Iron Talk - Spreading Lime

In this Iron Talk segment, Darren Hefty talks about the benefits and methods of spreading lime on farmland.... More
USDA Surveys - Dean Groskurth

USDA Surveys - Dean Groskurth

Dean Groskurth, USDA NASS Northern Plains Regional Field Office director, explains why data from the USDA’s reports in March is critical to agriculture.... More
Nutrient Stratification

Nutrient Stratification

Is nutrient stratification a problem in your soils? Brian and Darren Hefty explain how to find out if you have the problem, and how to fix it.... More
President Trump and U.S Agriculture Trade with China

President Trump and U.S Agriculture Trade with China

China manufactures much of what we buy and use each day, but President Trump wants U.S. companies to move manufacturing back to the U.S. What does this mean for U.S. ag trade with China?... More
 Degelman Strawmaster Pro 100 ft Heavy Harrow,Canada

Degelman Strawmaster Pro 100 ft Heavy Harrow,Canada

Degelman Strawmaster Pro 100' Heavy Harrow. New Holland tractor T9.670. Harrowing canola stubble.... More
 Welker Farms: Big Bud Tractors In Action

Welker Farms: Big Bud Tractors In Action

"Welker Farms 2016" is a captivating look into farming season. The Big Bud tractors in action during seeding until harvest.... More
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