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Livestock Videos

Watch instructional videos on livestock and other farm animals from farmers, veterinarians, and other animal experts. Learn about farm animal behavior, handling, feeding, breeding, shelter, and other important topics.
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Vet Scripts - What is Equine Herpes?

Vet Scripts - What is Equine Herpes?

Dr. Barry Whitworth has ways to prevent exposure of horses to the Equine Herpes virus.... More
Premium Beef and New Cars

Premium Beef and New Cars

Lee Borck, Manhattan, Kansas-based chairman of Integrated Livestock Systems and the Beef Marketing Group Cooperative, compares grid marketing cattle to supplying premium automobiles, with extra variables like weather thrown in.... More
Visiting a Missouri pig farm

Visiting a Missouri pig farm

Missouri Pork Association... More
Immune Strength For Life - June 2018

Immune Strength For Life - June 2018

Optimizing swine health around the world is the focus of the June edition of "Diamond V at 75: Immune Strength for Life," the company’s year-long video series celebrating 75 years in business. Reporting from the 2018 World Pork Expo in Des Moines, Iowa, host Kevin Corizzo interviews Dr. Y. K. Kw... More
 May 2018

May 2018's winning video: Socializing with piglets in a Manitoba nursery barn

Hog farmer Hardy, from the Rural Municipality of Lorne in Manitoba, submitted May 2018's winning video of his piglets socializing. The video shows an animal care provider in a nursery barn interacting with young pigs, also known as weanlings or nursery pigs. These piglets are about 4 weeks old a... More
Cow-Calf Corner - Fenceline Weaning 101

Cow-Calf Corner - Fenceline Weaning 101

Glenn Selk has advice for reducing stress in calves when fence line weaning.... More
Cow-Calf Corner - Fenceline weaning 101

Cow-Calf Corner - Fenceline weaning 101

Glenn Selk has advice for reducing stress in calves when fence line weaning.... More

Livestock Marketing - Reporting from China

Livestock Marketing - Reporting from China

Derrell Peel, while visiting Beijing, China, explains how U.S. – Chinese trade has been impacted following the recent tariffs.... More
What is the Value of ESAP to the Beef Industry?

What is the Value of ESAP to the Beef Industry?

Each year, the Environmental Stewardship Award Program -- also known as ESAP -- recognizes the nation’s best operations for their stewardship and conservation efforts. We have a look at how ESAP works and the value it brings to the beef industry.... More
Vaccinating Broilers Against Salmonella Can Help Reduce Pathogen’s Prevalence at Processing

Vaccinating Broilers Against Salmonella Can Help Reduce Pathogen’s Prevalence at Processing

Vaccination of broilers against Salmonella can help poultry producers reduce the pathogen’s prevalence at processing and may also benefit bird performance, Kalen Cookson, DVM, director of clinical research, Zoetis, told Poultry Health Today.... More
Breed Cattle that Work

Breed Cattle that Work

Brian McCulloh, Wood Hill Farms, Viroqua, Wisconsin, says it’s a seedstock producer’s job to study the numbers and make cattle that work for their customers. He talks about getting all the best in one package.... More
Pork Industry Shows Patience and Faith On Trade

Pork Industry Shows Patience and Faith On Trade

Thousands descended on the Iowa State Fairgrounds this week for the World Pork Expo. As exhibitors made their way around the show ring, pork industry leaders made their case for U.S. producers to compete on the world stage.... More
Wet-aging vs. Dry-aging

Wet-aging vs. Dry-aging

David O’Diam, director of retail for Certified Angus Beef LLC (CAB), explains the reasons we age beef, the different types of aging and their cost implications.... More
 Positive Pressure Filtered Ventilation - Swine Facilities

Positive Pressure Filtered Ventilation - Swine Facilities

Munters has been designing and refining filtered swine facility ventilation for many years. Our design engineers have worked with some of the top hog producers in the world leading us to our Positive Pressure Ventilation Design.... More
A Managed System Keeps Canadian Dairymen Profitable

A Managed System Keeps Canadian Dairymen Profitable

Since negotiations for NAFTA began last year, the American dairy industry has been trying to find a way to pump... More
Livestock Marketing

Livestock Marketing

We talk with Livestock Marketing Specialist Derrel Peel on livestock markets.... More
Preparing for Flies and Ticks

Preparing for Flies and Ticks

We talk about ticks and flies on livestock with Justin Talley.... More
Vaccinating Broilers Against Salmonella Can Help Reduce Pathogen’s Prevalence at Processing

Vaccinating Broilers Against Salmonella Can Help Reduce Pathogen’s Prevalence at Processing

Vaccination of broilers against Salmonella can help poultry producers reduce the pathogen’s prevalence at processing and may also benefit bird performance, Kalen Cookson, DVM, director of clinical research, Zoetis, told Poultry Health Today.... More
Big Farm Machines Making Haylage for Dairy Cows

Big Farm Machines Making Haylage for Dairy Cows

Go out in a Western New York alfalfa field with Big Tractor Power to see and hear big farm machines chopping haulage for dairy cow feed.... More
Can Seaweed Cut Methane Emissions on Dairy Farms?

Can Seaweed Cut Methane Emissions on Dairy Farms?

Seaweed may be the super food dairy cattle need to reduce the amount of methane they burp into the atmosphere. Early results from research at the University of California, Davis, indicate that just a touch of the ocean algae in cattle feed could dramatically cut greenhouse gas emissions from Cal... More
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