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Manitoba seeding update as of May 30

Almost all seeding across the province is completed

By Diego Flammini
Assistant Editor, North American Content

According to the latest crop report by the Manitoba’s Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, seeding is approximately 96 per cent completed across the province.

With Mother Nature providing rainfall and warm temperatures, a majority of seeded crops are experiencing rapid germination, emergence and growth.

In the Southwest Region, farmers received up to 30mm of rain within the past week.

Seeding in the region is about 95 per cent complete; remaining acres include silage or greenfed crops and fields that may still be too wet. Early seeded cereals are in the four to five leaf stage and producers will being spraying shortly.

Soybean seeding is at about 80 per cent.

Farmer alone in field

In the Northwest Region, about 95 per cent of the wheat crop is seeded and about 90 per cent of it has emerged or is in the seedling and tillering stage. Ninety per cent of the canola crop is seeded and about 55 per cent has emerged.

Ninety-five per cent of the corn crop is in the ground; soybeans, field peas and flax are all seeded and emerging.

In Manitoba’s Central Region, some areas experienced up to 100mm of rain, resulting in some excessive moisture and standing water in some fields.

Corn planting is complete but some silage corn acres may still be planted. Most soybeans are planted and peas are advancing with many in the six node stage.

The Eastern Region reports 98 per cent seeding completion.

Some spring cereals are in the two to four leaf stage, canola seeding is complete and 75 per cent of the acres are in the first true leaf stage.

Ninety-five per cent of soybean acres in the region is planted and is experiencing some emergence.

In the Interlake Region, producers experienced anywhere between 5 and 38mm of rain over the past week.

Seeding is up to 95 per cent completed, with most cereals emerging and nearing the stage for weed control.

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