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Only 25 Days Left to Register for 2021 Virtual Precision Agriculture Conference

Only 25 Days Left to Register for 2021 Virtual Precision Agriculture Conference

By Andrew Joseph,

Most farmers are at least aware of the concept of precision agriculture technologies, but if pressed would have difficulty explaining how it can benefit them. This is where can help.

From November 16-18, 2021, will be presenting its second annual Virtual Precision Agriculture Conference & Ag Technology Showcase. Live online, the event will showcase the latest and best in precision ag tech products and services that can take your farming business to the next level while optimizing your returns. The show itself is now celebrating its ninth iteration.

Every farmer should be interested in learning how to optimize returns on inputs while preserving resources, reducing costs and waste—all the while improving yields and minimizing environmental impacts to the land.  

That is just a small segment of the power of precision agriculture—observation and data collection, that allows you to make the best decisions specific to your farm.

A recent AEM (Association of Equipment Manufacturers) study showed how precision ag technologies can impact productivity, fertilizer and herbicide application, fossil fuel usage, and water use.

Farmers utilizing precision agriculture technologies gained a:

  • 4 percent increase in crop production;
  • 7 percent reduction in fertilizer usage;
  • 9 percent reduction in herbicide application;
  • 6 percent reduction in fossil fuel required;
  • 4 percent reduction in water use

Looking at those reductions achieved via precision ag technologies should be reason enough to inquire how you can achieve that and more. And, there’s nothing wrong with a higher crop yield, either.  

Having the ability to save six percent of the fuel used by your tractor will help save thousands of dollars in fuel expenses—and have the same carbon reduction benefit of taking about 200,000 cars off the road. A win for the you, the farmer, and a win for the environment.

“While we would have preferred to meet in person, we do know that farmers are very adept at using technology, and should have no trouble attending our virtual event,” said Graham Dyer, President and CEO.

“But because we are not limited by geography and in-person attendance,” he continued, “the Virtual Precision Agriculture Conference & Ag Technology Showcase (VPACT) will allow farmers across North America to easily attend, see and listen to leading precision ag experts and talk with companies from around the world.”

How It Works

Worried about how a virtual trade show works? Don’t be. It’s really easy to attend—it’s akin to a Zoom teleconference call.  

First, everybody—from exhibitor, speaker, organizer and tradeshow attendee—is in front of their own computer screen. No one is gathered together.

Exhibitors, for example, are each at their own private company location, where they will set up their own “exhibit/kiosk” featuring their own technologies or services. You, as the virtual attendee can click on any company’s exhibit/exhibit name to initiate a conversation to learn more about what they are offering and how you can benefit. It may initially be via an IM (instant message) or it could progress into a full video chat. Or, you can just view the exhibit. That’s up to you.

Our speakers will be scattered across the globe but will be called upon at a designated time to present their live presentation. The attendee may watch and or post questions, with interaction between other attendees possible.

But—and here’s the cool factor—what happens if you are unable to attend a workshop or presentation that you really wanted to see? Simple—watch it later. Because we record it, you can watch it at your leisure up to five days later.  

Just like a regular tradeshow, our virtual event will offer Keynote and breakout sessions covering a wide range of topics—over 50 presentations are scheduled—enabling participants to tailor their interests and attend sessions that are of the most interest to each person in attendance.


For those of you interested in sponsoring opportunities or exhibiting at the 2021 Virtual Precision Agriculture Conference & Ag Technology Showcase, email us at or call 888-248-4893 ext. 5030.

To attend the virtual event, click HERE

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