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Normal Mare and Newborn Foal Behavior

Mar 27, 2015
Q: My mare is due to foal in a few weeks, and this will be the first foal I’ve raised. Could you tell me what to look for in regards to normal mare and foal behavior? Are there any abnormal behaviors I should watch for?
A: Congratulations on expecting your first foal! You have plenty of reading to do and questions to ask of your local professionals. But here are some of the things that I feel are most important regarding normal and abnormal mare and foal behavior, focusing on the perinatal period. I can only touch the surface here, and so we can discuss more specific issues another time.
Before your mare delivers, plan to keep a clock handy because time landmarks are important.
As it gets closer to delivery, the most common change in a mare's behavior is increased restlessness over the last week and even more so during the last hour or two. Once her water breaks, the actual delivery of the foal should take place quickly: The rule of thumb is within 30 minutes. 
The mare is likely to get up and down before and in the midst of delivering. The foal should present a front foot, then another front foot just a little behind it, and then a nose. Any significant delay in delivery is cause to call your veterinarian if you are not able to provide appropriate moderate assistance to help deliver the foal. 
Source: TheHorse