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2023 Agriculture Awareness Summit in Saskatchewan examines public perceptions of industry

Agriculture communicators and leaders are coming together in Saskatoon for the 2023 Agriculture Awareness Summit to explore how the industry is adapting to changes in public perception and connecting with consumers.

The summit, which takes place February 14 and 15, comes a decade after the ministry's inaugural Agriculture Awareness Summit in 2013. This year's event, funded by the federal, provincial and territorial governments through the Canadian Agricultural Partnership (CAP) and co-hosted by Farm & Food Care Saskatchewan and the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture, will examine the progress made over the past 10 years and how consumer trends continue to drive public trust considerations regarding agriculture.

Canada's Ag Day is also celebrated on February 15, a national day to share about the industry and help people learn where their food comes from.

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How sustainable is Canadian agriculture at producing cereals, pulses & oilseeds?

Video: How sustainable is Canadian agriculture at producing cereals, pulses & oilseeds?

Canadians have continued to move further and further away from food production. We can see this in our expanding urban centers and less individuals growing the food we consume. This has led to more discussions about consuming food that is more sustainable. Not only sustainable environmentally, but also economically and socially. The Global Institute for Food Security (GIFS) at the University of Saskatchewan, was tasked in 2022 with understanding agriculture’s contributions to improved sustainable outcomes. As a part of this, GIFS has examined the carbon footprint of agricultural production in Saskatchewan and Canada and compared that to other producers across the globe. Dr. Steven Webb, who is the CEO of the Global Institute for Food Security in Saskatoon SK walks through how we’re doing growing cereals, pulses and oilseeds based on the latest research.