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ADAMA Canada to continue selling lambda-cy

The company had said last fall that it would stop selling Silencer in response to a Pest Management Regulatory Agency decision to ban the insecticide on crops intended as livestock feed.

Syngenta had announced at the same time that it would stop selling its pesticide Matador.

ADAMA says the decision to continue selling the insecticide comes after consulting with retailers, farmers and industry organizations on the implications of the PMRA ruling to re-evaluate the permitted uses of the insecticide.

“The bottom line for growers is to read the labeling guidelines carefully. Talk to your full-service input retailer and to your crop buyers so you can make an informed decision about if and when to apply the product,” said Cornie Thiessen, General Manager for ADAMA Canada.

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Spring weed control in winter wheat with Broadway® Star (pyroxsulam + florasulam)

Video: Spring weed control in winter wheat with Broadway® Star (pyroxsulam + florasulam)

#CortevaTalks brings you a short update with Cereal Herbicides Category Manager, Alister McRobbie, on how to get the most out of Broadway® Star.

Significant populations of grassweeds, including ryegrass and brome, can threaten winter wheat yields. Spring applications of a contact graminicide, such as Broadway Star from Corteva Agriscience, can clear problem weeds, allowing crops to grow away in the spring.

Broadway Star (pyroxsulam + florasulam) controls ryegrass, sterile brome, wild oats and a range of broad-leaved weeds such as cleavers. It can be applied to winter wheat up until GS32, but the earlier the application is made, the smaller the weed, and the greater the benefit to the crop. Weeds should be actively growing. A good rule of thumb is that if your grass needs cutting, conditions are right to apply Broadway Star.