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Syngenta working on new corn herbicide

Syngenta working on new corn herbicide

Storen could be available to farmers for the 2024 growing season

By Diego Flammini
Staff Writer

A crop protection manufacturer is letting U.S. farmers know of a new product is has in development.

Syngenta announced on March 9 it’s working on a new corn herbicide which will be branded as Storen.

Storen“The new pre- and post-emergence grass and broadleaf corn herbicide will give growers up to 3 weeks longer residual weed control than other leading corn herbicides,” Syngenta said in a statement.

Storen will contain four active ingredients – bicyclopyrone (Group 27), mesotrione (Group 27), S-metolachlor (Group 15), and pyroxasulfone (Group 15). It will also include the safener benoxacor all in one premix.

This product will provide protection against multiple weeds including barnyardgrass, foxtail species, waterhemp, Palmer amaranth, giant ragweed, common ragweed, Russian thistle, Cocklebur and Morningglory species.

Storen will add to Syngenta’s line of products containing bicyclopyrone.

Other products with this active ingredient include Acuron, Acuron Flexi and Acuron GT corn herbicides.

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