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Beltway Beef Audio News

NCBA supports a strong research title within the 2012 Farm Bill. Farm bill research dollars are used to fund critical scientific studies to improve the health, well-being and sustainability of the U.S. beef cattle industry. NCBA will be encouraging Congress to adequately fund the research title to ensure necessary research is being done to combat emerging diseases, discover new production practices, improve environmental stewardship and improve the long-term viability of America’s cattlemen and women.

NCBA will work with members of Congress to stress the importance of the research title. The organization is fortunate to have members of Congress like U.S. Senator Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) who vocally support the research title. In fact, he says it was a “victory” that Congress was able to sustain funding for research in the 2008 Farm Bill. He says the research title is one very important thing the federal government can do to ensure America’s farmers and ranchers are at the forefront of producing food and fiber for the world.

Click here to listen audio.

Source: NCBA.

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