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CRSB seeks public input on proposed updates to standards in Certified Sustainable Beef Framework

The Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Beef (CRSB) is seeking public input to proposed changes to the standards for sustainable beef production and processing that form the foundation of the Certified Sustainable Beef Framework (the Framework).

An online 60- day comment period on the draft updated Standards opens today and runs until December 2, 2022.

The Framework was launched in 2017 to recognize sustainable practices in Canadian beef production and processing, to support sustainable sourcing commitments for the retail and foodservice sector, and to provide credible, science-based assurances for Canadian consumers.

As part of a scheduled five-year program review, and following extensive stakeholder consultation, the CRSB’s Framework Committee conducted an in-depth review of each indicator in both standards (beef production and processing), explored areas for improvement, and identified gaps.

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