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Dry Weather Helped Specialty Crop Producers

By Pam Knox

The spell of dry weather in parts of the Southeast for the past few weeks has been a blessing to farmers. It allowed them to get a lot of field work done as well as dry out soils that were wet due to rainfall earlier in the year. It has also helped keep down the amount of fungal disease in some crops due to low humidity. You can read more at Specialty Crop Industry at It has also helped with production of Florida blueberries, which are near harvest in some locations, according to

dry wheather

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4R Nutrient Stewardship – Why it Matters

Video: 4R Nutrient Stewardship – Why it Matters

4R Nutrient Stewardship can help grow crops sustainably. By using the Right Source of nutrients at the Right Rate, in the Right Time and applying in the Right Place, the 4Rs work to increase production and profitability for farmers while demonstrating social and environmental benefits of farm practices. Nicole Penney, Precision Ag Manager for FS Partners, a 4R certified agri-retailer serving central and southwestern Ontario, walks through the 4R sustainability goals and the specifics of on farm practices aligning with source, rate, time and place. The agriculture sector recognizes the importance of environmental stewardship and its role in ensuring the proper use of fertilizer. Ontario has been a leader in encouraging famers to use nutrient management planning in crop production, and 4R certified agri-retailers to guide best use of nutrients.