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Farm Progress Show: Flying Farmers Cleared for Landing

 Farm Progress Show is August 26th - 28th in Boone, IA

The Boone and Ames municipal airports will co-host all fly-ins to the 2014 Farm Progress Show. Boone is two miles west, and Ames is eight miles east of the show site.

For parking and service information pilots can call the Ames Airport FBO at 515-232-4310 or go to Contact the Boone Airport FBO at 515-432-1018 or go

oth airports have 100ll, jet fuel and the Boone facility also has mogas available. Both airports will offer a free shuttle service to and from the show.

Boone Airport
The elevation is 1160 MSL.  Runway 15/33 is a 4807 ft. by 75 ft. grooved concrete with GPS instrument approaches. Runway 02/20 is a 3,190 ft. by 220-ft. turf runway. Boone Unicom and runway lights are both on frequency 123.00.

Both airports will offer a free shuttle service to and from the show.

Boone weather can be found at frequency 120.925 and by phone at 515-432-9042.
Runway 02/20 will be closed for over-flow light aircraft parking.

Remember to check Notams prior to arrival and as always Boone Municipal will provide coffee, donuts and great hospitality!

Ames airport
The Ames airport is located at Lat: 41-59-34 and Long: 93-37-19. The elevation is 955 MSL.  Ames has two paved runways.  Runway 01/19 is a 5,700-foot x100-foot grooved asphalt MIRL runway.  Runway 13/31 is a 3,492-foot x 50-foot grooved asphalt MIRL runway.  With GPS, VOR and ILS instrument approaches. 

Ames CTAF is 122.7, lights are on 126.00.  Clearance Delivery is available on the ground through the Des Moines ATC frequency, 126.00.  The ASOS weather frequency is 132.025 or by phone at 515-233-2611.   You can contact the Ames FBO via e-mail @

Need to rent a car for the show?  The Ames Airport has Hertz car rental on site and an Enterprise car rental just two miles from the airport.  Hertz can be reached at 515-233-3469 and Enterprise at 515-233-5200. 

All international arrivals requiring U.S. Customs service will need to clear customs at the Des Moines International Airport (DSM) before proceeding to either Ames or Boone.

Remember to check NOTAMS prior to arrival.

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