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High Oleic Soybeans Perform During Summer 2014

Every summer, farmers keep a careful eye on their crops—assessing which fields need more water, evaluating pest problems, and noticing which seeds are yielding as expected.

Amongst the growers prepping for harvest, farmer leader John Motter of Jenera, Ohio is finishing his fourth season of growing high oleic soybeans. Over four years, Motter has seen his high oleic soybeans continue to perform on par with his farm’s past average.

“My high oleic beans look great at this point. I spent a lot of time this year putting out plots, and I have 20 test plots of my high oleic beans. Out in the fields, I have both Plenish and Vistive Gold high oleic soybeans,” said Motter.

By using test plots, Motter hopes to be able to educate other farmers on high oleic growing patterns and yield.

“I’m hoping that we have great data to share because we’ve got all of the variables in the same field. Growing high oleic soybeans is a great investment for farmers because it improves the end product for our customers. I want to be able to show other farmers that the yield is there.”


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