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NCBA Announces Policy Committee Leaders

Today, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) announced the appointment of key cattle industry leaders to serve on the association’s policy committees. The policy committees review, discuss, and vote on policy resolutions brought forward by NCBA members. These grassroots policies guide NCBA’s advocacy efforts in Washington, D.C.

“Policy committee leaders play a crucial role in directing NCBA’s advocacy efforts and addressing the issues facing the cattle industry,” said NCBA President-Elect Todd Wilkinson, a South Dakota cattle producer. “As a grassroots organization, we rely on volunteer leaders to step up and make their voices heard. I am proud of this new group of committee leaders and know they will serve NCBA and the entire cattle industry well.”

The new committee leaders are:

Agriculture and Food Policy Committee

  • Ken Herz, chair (Nebraska)
  • Jeff Schafer, vice chair (North Dakota)

Cattle Health and Well Being Committee

  • Dr. Tom Portillo, chair (Texas)
  • Barbara Jackson, vice chair (Arizona)

Federal Lands Committee

  • Jim Hellyer, chair (Wyoming)
  • Alisa Ogden, vice chair (New Mexico)

International Trade Committee

  • Jaclyn Wilson, chair (Nebraska)
  • Tony Toso, vice chair (California)

Live Cattle Marketing Committee

  • Troy Sander, chair (Oklahoma)
  • Mike Drinnin, vice chair (Nebraska)

Property Rights and Environmental Management Committee

  • Charlie Besher, chair (Missouri)
  • Barb Cooksley, vice chair (Nebraska)

Tax and Credit Committee

  • Dan Rorvig, chair (North Dakota)
  • Jeff Magee, vice chair (Mississippi)

Additionally, appointments were made to the NCBA-PAC Committee — the political arm of the association — and the Resolutions Committee, which provides technical review of policy resolutions moving through other committees. The NCBA-PAC Committee leaders will take office following the Cattle Industry Convention and NCBA Tradeshow in New Orleans, Louisiana.

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