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North American PRRS Symposium Announced.

Conference organizers have scheduled the 2014 North American PRRS Symposium for December 5-6, 2014 at the Intercontinental Hotel in Chicago, Illinois.

The conference begins Friday, December 5, from 1:00 to 5:00 PM, with a poster session and reception to follow. The poster session includes mini-talks on selected abstracts. The conference continues with an all-day session on Saturday, December 6. Topics include disease control in the field, vaccines, pathogenesis, diagnostics, epidemiology and the role of host genetics in disease resistance. A number of talks will be devoted to the latest developments on PED. Lunch on Saturday is included in the registration fee. Abstracts are requested for PRRS, PED and PCVAD; abstract submission and registration information will be available soon.

Travel fellowships will be available for students and postdocs.

CE credits will be available through Kansas State University using the guidelines set forth by the AAVSB RACE approval program.

Source: AASV

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