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Soy Growers in D.C. to Talk Tariffs, Importance of Trade with China

Soy Growers in D.C. to Talk Tariffs, Importance of Trade with China
American Soybean Association (ASA) farmer leaders from across the country took to Capitol Hill today to talk with lawmakers about the potential impact of Chinese tariffs on U.S. soybeans. ASA President and Iowa farmer John Heisdorffer issued the following statement:
“China purchases 61 percent of total U.S. soybean exports, and more than 30 percent of overall U.S. soybean production. In short, trade with China matters and is vital not only to the hundreds of thousands of U.S. soybean producers but the rural economies and communities that depend on them.
“Today we’re asking lawmakers to support their communities and constituents by joining ASA in encouraging the Administration to rethink the Section 301 tariffs and instead, empower soybeans to continue to be part of the solution.
“We’ve come to D.C. and left our fields during planting season to educate and convey the importance of trade with China. Our message is clear: a 25 percent tariff on U.S. soybeans into China will have a lasting effect on every soybean farmer in America.”

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