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Sustainability hangs on to pigs and pork

‘Environmental, social and governance’ (ESG) goals: you may have heard of them, and you may be skeptical that they are a hip but unsubstantial layer within the complexity of big business. On top of that, you may be wondering what they have to do with agriculture at all, or at least raising pigs or selling pork.

Like a cultural tsunami, these corporate priorities have swept up investors, executives and media pundits alike, and they are probably coming to a barn and processing plant near you, soon, if they have not already arrived.

In fact, two presenters at the 2023 Banff Pork Seminar, Mauricio Alanis, Director, Sustainability Strategy & Partnerships, Maple Leaf Foods and Banks Baker, Director, New Product Marketing, Pig Improvement Company (PIC) are riding the crest of that tidal wave but bringing plenty of hope and encouragement along with them, rather than heavy-handed morality or guilt-inducing tactics of those who sometimes like to pick on the livestock sector.

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Video: Dairy Farm 360

Milkshakes, lattes, ice cream, a cheese board—and cookies. What do all these yummy eats have in common? Milk, of course! If you’ve ever wondered about where Ontario dairy comes from, then definitely check out this virtual tour of a dairy farm. You’ll hear from the dairy farmer who works on the farm while having an immersive experience: seeing the Holstein cows, observing what they eat, and even checking out how they’re milked (spoiler alert: with robots!).